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[Click to go to the NFB website.] The primary sponsor of the expedition is the National Federation of the Blind (NFB). The NFB is the leading organization in the United States comprised of blind members. The Federation is organized in every state and has local chapters in almost any community of any size in the United States. The NFB is the leading advocate for the blind, focusing on crucial issues facing blind people such as the 70% unemployment rate among working age blind, a decreasing literacy rate among blind children, and access to information and technology for blind people. The team is committed to assisting in the efforts of the NFB to improve the lives of blind people.

[Click to go to Allegra] Sponsorship of the documentary film Visions of Everest, and allergy relief is provided by Aventis Pharmaceuticals, makers of Allegra.


The communications necessary to make this site a reality would not be possible without the generous assistance of Comspec, who have provided the high speed software and servers necessary to efficiently transfer data from the mountain to the United States.
[Click to go to the Mountain Hardware website.]
[Click to go to the Osprey website.]
[Click to go to the Cascade Designs website.]
makers of "Brief Relief" toilet system.
[Click to go to the TurtleFur website.]
[Click to go to the Chums website.]

Arizona Mountaineering Club
[Click to learn more about Cowgirl Enterprises.] Cowgirl Enterprises

[Click to go to Reason Wireless]
Reason, Inc.

[Click to go to the Trango website.]

[Click to go to the Leki website.]

Gamma Seal Lids

[Click to go to MountEverest.net by climbers]
Ama Dablam 2000 and Everest 2001 Logos and Ama Dablam website designs by .



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[Click to go to the home page.] Everest 2001 Support our sponsors. See the route. Meet the team. Our Mission