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April 28, 2001

From: Kevin Cherilla
Base Camp Manager

Namaste to you all!

When the NFB 2001 Everest Expedition climbers reached camp three, I read the following poem I wrote for them several days before.  All of the climbers were moved by the poem and they asked me to share this with the rest of the world.  Enjoy!

May You All . . .

May your vision be laser focused on the rest of Everest.
For it's been over a year in the making.
And now it's right in front of you.

May you be strong.
Both mentally and physically.
To get you through the trying moments.

May you be brave and swallow some pride.
When the times get tough.
And when someone is in need.

May you be swift in areas.
And proceed with caution in others.
But always be sure footed.

May you keep on laughing.
To ease the tension and keep your spirits up.
For we have had to many to stop now.

May you climb as a unit.
A unit bound together by a cohesiveness.
Of friendship and knowledge.

May you all reach the summit.
Or your personal best.
One step at a time.

May I meet you all in a couple of days.
At super man's palace.
For a handshake and a hug.

. . . Reach Your Dream

Make yourself a great day!


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