Lesson 18 //Training



The students will explain the different kinds of training necessary to prepare for the Mount Everest climb. The students will create a training schedule for the last month of preparation before the trek to Mount Everest.

Guided Practice:

1. Discuss different kinds of activities that people train and prepare for (recitals, plays, competitions, and speeches). Have the class explain ways that people prepare for each of these events.
2. Explain to the class that training for Mount Everest takes a year of hard work and dedication. Either read the information on training for Mount Everest orally to the class or have each student read it silently.
3. Review with the students the training terms aerobic, anaerobic, strength building, and recreation.

Independent Practice:

1. The students will read the information on training either orally or silently.
2. The student will answer the questions that follow the training information.
3. The student will prepare a weekly training schedule during the last month of training. Be sure to include the activity, the days the activity will be done, and the amount of time each activity will take.

Optional Extensions:

1. Invite a professional trainer to visit the class and give a talk on the different training activities and schedules.

Reading and Questions:

A mountain climber who is preparing to climb Mount Everest will begin training a year before the date of the actual climb. Every week the climber will do a variety of training activities such as aerobic, anaerobic, strength building, and recreational.

An activity is considered to be aerobic if it is steady and nonstop, it lasts for at least 12 minutes, it is at a comfortable pace, and it uses the lower body muscles. Biking, swimming, running, stair climbing, and cross-country skiing are examples of aerobic activities. Anaerobic activities keep the heart rate elevated above the training level. Some anaerobic activities are tennis, sprinting, skiing, and weight training.

Strength-building activities should focus on arms, shoulders, back, and the abdomen. Sit-ups, pushup, pull-ups, and chin-ups are examples of strength-building activities. Some strength building activities using weights are rowing, military presses and squats. Recreational activities are anything that the climber enjoys for example, skiing, climbing, hiking, or kayaking.

Throughout the year, the frequency and the duration of these activities will change. The closer it is to the actual climb of Mount Everest, the more intense the workout becomes.


12 Months before the climb

aerobic activities four times a week for 30 minutes
strength activities three times a week
recreational activity one time a week
rest one day a week

10 Months before the climb

aerobic activities four times a week for 40 minutes
add a hill climbing activity one time a week
strength activities three times a week
recreational activity one time a week
rest one day a week

8 Months before the climb
aerobic activities five times a week for 45 minutes
hill climbing activity two times a week
strength activities four times a week
recreational activity one time a week
rest one day a week

6 Months before the climb
aerobic activities five times a week for 50 minutes
hill climbing two times a week
anaerobic activity one time a week
strength activities four times a week
recreational activity one time a week
rest one day a week

4 Months before the climb
aerobic activities five times a week for 60 minutes
hill climbing two times a week
anaerobic activity one time a week
strength activities four times a week
recreational activity one time a week
rest one day a week

2 Months before the climb
aerobic activities five times a week for 60 minutes
hill climbing two times a week
anaerobic activity two times a week
strength activities four times a week
recreational activity one time a week
rest one day a week


1. What do the terms aerobic and anaerobic mean?
2. Why do you think it is important to have such a variety of training activities?
3. Create a schedule for a week of training in the last month before the climb to Mount Everest. Include the activity that will be done and the time the activity will last.